"here on earth there is a gap between seeing someone you like and having sex with them, that we would like to call conversation."
(the man with two legs)
kadınlar, erkekler ve ikisi bir arada iken olanlar üzerinde çalışır. konu sanılanın aksine her zaman sex değildir. örneğin:
patrick: you can’t prevent death with face cream.
sally: yeah? that’s what everyone thinks, but no-one’s ever used it in the quantities i do.
(sex, death and nudity)
"he works in pizza delivery, which just answers all your prays, doesn’t it? man, motorbike, has own food!" (the girl with one heart)
"we are men! throughout history we have always needed, in times of difficulties, to retreat to our caves. ... the toilet for us is the final refuge, the last few square feet of man space left to us!"
(the girl with one heart)
"steve, you know what the sentence of death is, don’t you? i don’t mean the sentence like executions and ... i mean the scary one... just five words, steve. five little words. where is this relationship going"
auro, 11.03.2006
(bkz: coupling terminolojisi)
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